LIZHARD - Luca Ze Moroni

published on July 3, 2010

先日ラジオ番組の私のコーナーで放送したイタリアのハードロックバンド LIZHARD に、オンエア前にインタビューすることができました。バンドのベースギタリストでもあるスポークスマン Luca Ze Moroni (画像の右端)に昨年の UK ツアーのことや制作中の 2nd アルバムについてお話しを伺いました。

Hey Ze! How have you been? It's been a while since we met last time.
こんにちわ、Ze さん。前回お会いしてからだいぶ経ちますが、元気でしたか?


Ze: Ciao!(Hello!) We are all damn great. First of all we would like to thank you and your program for the invite, we're very happy to be part of it!


I think your self-titled album LIZHARD was totally great. I saw your album review on Japanese Music Magazine BURRN! Your marks were kind of tough. What do you think of that? Are you satisfied or what?
デビューアルバム LIZHARD はとってもよくできてたと思いますが、日本の音楽雑誌 BURRN! のアルバムレビューではちょっと辛口コメントでしたね。いかがですか?満足してますか?


Oh... it was amazing 80 out of 100 on one of the world's famous rock magazines is absolutely great! We're very happy because this album was done with a very low budget but with BIG passion, so we're happy that was appreciated from magazines and most of all from many people around the world!


Luca Ze Moroni
Luca Ze Moroni
You had an UK tour last year. Ive listened to the live show on a radio from London. Unfortunately I missed it on the TV. Tell us about it. How was the reaction of the people came out there to hear your songs in UK? Any funny episodes there?
昨年 UK ツアーを行いましたよね。テレビ中継は見れませんでしたが、ロンドンからのラジオの生放送を聴きましたよ。UK での観客の感触はいがかでしたか?現地での何か面白いエピソードなどはありますか?


The UK tour was an amazing experience, people liked the shows and we were so excited to see foreigner people singing our songs! Oh, we had lots of funny times, if I have to tell you one in particular...mmm...we played in a Biker's Club in Wales, after the show they closed the club and forced (well it was a pleasure... hehe) us to drink with them, playin' and Jamin' again till 4 in the morning!
自国外のひとたちが俺たちのライブを気に入ってくれて、一緒に歌ってくれたのを見たら感激だったね。UK ツアーは素晴らしい体験になった。ああ、面白いことはいっぱいあったが、特にそうだな、Wales の Biker's Club は最高だったね。ライブ終了後にそこを貸し切って来店客たちと飲み比べ(ははは、これ好きでさ)をして、明け方4時まで一緒に演奏したり歌ったりしたよ。


Also you made 2 music videos from the album which is cool. And one of the video ‘Rock’n’ Roll Is Back’ was the #1 at MySpace Video charts. Even on MySpace Japan that was ranked #4. How did you feel about that?
このアルバムから2つのミュージックビデオを作っていて、そのひとつ Rock'n' Roll Is Back が MySpace のビデオチャートで第1位になり、日本のマイスペースでも第4位まで上がりましたが、それについてはどう思いましたか?


First of all we're happy because it means that we did a good job writing the storyboard and directing them. Then... what to say, thanks so much to all our fans... it's so cool to see our videos on MySpace top charts!
とにかく嬉しかったよ。自分たちでコンテを作って演出もやって頑張ったからね。それとファンに感謝したい。MySpace のトップチャートに載ったなんて最高だよ。


Ive heard you've been working on a new album in these months. Hope the recording is going well so far. If you don't mind, tell us about it a bit? Do you have any special guests work on with you? Can you describe your new album? More metal or rock'n roll?

Well.. actually we'll be in studio from June 11 and we hope to finish it after the summer holidays. We think it's a good album, more mature and strong. We are meticulously taking care of the production, because for the first album everything was done in hurry. This time it will be different. It is not more Metal or Rock n Roll, it's Lizhard (-: pure rock with some blues influences and a couple of power ballads. And yes, we'll have many guest on the new album, in particular two great singers... one of them, it's our good friend Marco Mendoza (Whitesnake/Thin Lizzy...) !!
そうだな、6月11日からスタジオ入りだから、夏休み後に終了できればいいなと思っている。成熟したパワフルないいアルバムになるはずだ。ファーストアルバムは全てが駆け足だったけど、今回は違う。慎重に作っているよ。もっと Metal とか Rock'n Roll というのではなく、LIZHARD そのものさ。ちょっとブルースっぽく、力強いバラードもいくつか入ったピュアロックだ。もちろん、多くのゲストアーティストも入ってる。特に2人のヴォーカルがいる。その一人は友人でもある Marco Mendoza (Whitesnake や Thin Lizzy の)だ!!



In the album there is a cover song 'The Life Is The Fast Lane' by The Eagles. Do you have a cover one in the new album too?
アルバムにイーグルスの The Life Is The Fast Lane がカバー曲として収録されてましたが、新譜にも何か入りますか?


Yes, it's a Deep Purple kick ass cover!
ああ、入れるよ。Deep Purple の曲だ。


Awesome! Who will mix your stuff this time?


We're in contact with some great producers, one of them is the World's N.1 Hard rock mixer/producer... let's see and let's keep our fingers crossed!


What is giong on your album cover artwork? If its done, can you describe what it looks like for us?


There is a basic idea at the moment, it'll be simple and direct like a first in the face (-;


Do you think when it will be released in this year? We are ready to airplay those again on this program.


We hope to realese it by the end of the year... let's see...


I think many fans of yours are waiting for your coming to Japan. How about the second album releasing tour in Japan? Do you think how soon you could come to here?


As soon as the new album will be in stores, we would like to start touring immediately and Japan is on top of our coutries' list! It's not simple but we would love to play in Japan 'cuz we love our Japanese fans!!


Thanks so much for being with us, Ze. Hope your new album will rock.
Ze さん、どうもありがとうございました。カッコイイアルバムになることを期待しています。


Grazie!(Thanks!) Stay tuned guys and thanks again for your amazing support!! Rock on.
ありがとう。みんな、これからも応援よろしく。Rcok on だぜ!


*This article is also published at TopMusic JP in Japanese.

*こちらの記事は、TopMusic JP にも日本語で掲載しています。