published on August 25, 2010


I had interviewed Matt (Right) and Chuck (Center) in the band SPACESHIP DAYS. We talked about the album The Halo Effect and the 2nd album Black Holes and Butterflies what they are working on now.

SPACESHIP DAYS のソングライターでもあるボーカルの Matt (画像右)とベースの Chuck (画像中央)に、現在発売中のアルバム The Halo Effect と制作中のセカンドアルバム Black Holes and Butterflies についてお話を伺いました。


Hi guys! Thanks for accepting this interview. I'm so happy to introduce your band to the Japanese people. I know you have been doing a great job so far. What will you do in the rest of this year as a band? Any plans?

For the rest of this year we will be focusing on the release of our second album Black Holes and Butterflies. Being an independent band, we're com pletely responsible for the production, artwork, and promotion for the album so it is a pretty daunting task… but we like the freedom. In the couple of weeks we'll be shooting a video for the first single Shadow Walking which should be available just before the album release. We couldn't be more excited with the progress of this album. It really is the album that we always wanted to make. Big melodies, big hooks, big sounds!
年内は目下セカンドアルバム Black Holes and Butterflies の制作1本に絞ってるよ。かなりやっかいな作業だけどインディーズバンドとして当然アルバムの制作やカバージャケットのデザイン、プロモーションまで全責任を担ってるからね。でも自由な方が気楽でいい。数週間後にはアルバムリリース前に出すシングル Shadow Walking のビデオ撮影に入るんだ。このアルバム制作の過程ほどエキサイトするものはないよ。素敵なメロディにバッチリきめたサビ、それにかっこいいサウンドと、いつも自分たちが本当に作りたかったものだから。

I've heard most of songs in your band are written by Matt. I think the songs have a harmonious sound and so sweet lyrics. Tell us which type your band is, does melody come first or lyrics?
バンドのほとんどの曲を Matt が書いてるそうだけど、心地よいサウンドにやさしい歌詞ですよね。あなたたちはメロディ先行型それとも歌詞先行型のバンド?

The music and melody come first. I will sit around with an acoustic guitar and bang around with different chord sequences and rhythms. Writing vocal lines is a pretty humbling experience. I usually sit around humming melodies and making up nonsensical words until something sparks. Once I have the structures and melodies built, I try to sit back and figure out what the song wants to be and write the lyrics based on that feeling. I think the key to being a good lyricist is just constantly being aware of your emotions, being honest.

I can imagine its hard all members gather at the same day. Where do you always rehearse and how often do you do that?

It is tricky sometimes but fortunately technology has made it much easier for us to share our thoughts and ideas before we all gather at Chuck's house or the studio. However, nothing can substitute the magic that happens when the three of us get in a room together and start playing.
ときには大変だけど、幸いテクノロジーってヤツが、Chuck の家やスタジオに集まる前に、僕らの気持ちや意見をまとめてくれる。それにしても3人が一同に会してそこで一緒にプレイする魅力にはかなわないな。

Matt has taken to emailing us acoustic demos of songs pretty much as he writes them.That gives us the advantage of knowing the tune and having a pretty good idea of what we want to bring to it so when we do get together each of us is ready to go. In that sense I suppose we practice every day. The rest is a just matter of putting the puzzle pieces together.  
Matt が書き上げたばかりのアコースチックのデモ曲を僕らにメールで送ってくるんだ。誰よりも先に曲を知ることができて、どうしたいかっていう方向性についてのアイデアなんかも練ることができるので、僕らが集まるときはもう準備が整っているってわけさ。そんな感じで毎日練習していて、あとはパズルを1ピースずつ当てはめていくだけだよ。


The Halo Effect (2009)


[ Track List ]

01. A Little Extraordinary

02. Pain In Pretty Things

03. Big World Pop Star

04. Stick On Stars

05. Something Perfect

06. My Life With You

07. The One That Got Away

08. Oceans


Tell us about some episodes during the recording your album The Halo Effect. What was the hardest thing ever in recording? Did you have any happenings, troubles or funny things?
The Halo Effect のアルバム収録中の話を聞かせてください。一番大変だったことや何かのトラブル、面白いハプニングなどはありましたか?

The hardest thing about creating The Halo Effect for me was staying awake. Recording bass is pretty easy - pretending to be interested while everyone else does their thing, not so much.
The Halo Effect の制作では、夜遅くまで起きているのが一番大変だったかな、僕は。ベースパートの収録は簡単だから、しょっちゅうじゃないけど他のみんながやってるのを真剣に聴いてるふりなんかしてた。

Recording The Halo Effect was actually pretty painless. However, the same cannot be said for Black Holes and Butterflies. In order to get the album released on our timetable somebody got the bright idea for me to record all the vocal tracks for 3 songs in 24 hours. That is hard enough but it is made even harder when your producer "accidentally" installs the microphone backwards. It's even more painful when this little accident is discovered at 2:00 a.m. and revealed to you when your producer says, "Oops, my bad, we're going to have to record that entire song over."
The Halo Effect の収録はけっこう楽勝だったけど、Black Holes and Butterflies はそうはいかない。アルバムの発売を僕らのタイムスケジュールに合わせるために、誰かさんが僕に24時間で3曲すべてのボカルパートを収録するという素晴らしいアイデアを思いついてくれたもんだからかなりハードだ。さらに悪いことにプロデューサーが「無意識に」マイクを逆にインストールしてくれちゃったんだ。このちょっとしたアクシデントが発覚したのが午前2時。プロデューサー曰く「おっと悪い!もう一度全曲録り直さんといかん」だってさ。痛いなんてもんじゃないよ。

That was actually pretty funny, but then I did'nt have to do anything but go back to sleep.

This is my personal curiosity but I would love to know. Could you describe the character of your each member?

In some ways Chuck and Greg are very similar while being utterly different. Both Chuck and Greg are abnormally intelligent. I often feel like the idiot little brother around them. Both are ridiculously funny and very artistic. Chuck is a rock-star in every sense. When he walks into a room the atmosphere changes and everyone wants to be his friend. Greg is a musical genius and extremely logical… do not try to win a disagreement with him. You will lose. He sees your angle a mile away. His mental kung-fu will crush you.
全く別の人間なんだけど Chuck と Greg はある意味よく似てることろがあって、2人とも異常なほど知的だ。一緒にいるとたまに自分がお間抜けな弟のように思えることがある。2人とも底抜けに面白いし、けっこう芸術家タイプだね。Chuck はいろんな意味でロックスターだ。彼がやって来ると雰囲気がガラッと変わるし、みんな彼と親しくなりたがる。Gregは音楽的な才能がありとても論理的で、異議を唱えたところで彼には勝てやしない。彼はどっか遠く離れたところから見ていて、その精神的なカンフーで相手をやっつけるんだ。

Besides being the funniest person I know, Matt has the most amazing focus. He's like a Jedi.On top of that he has absolutely ZERO songwriter's ego. Considering how far he's come in that regard that's pretty damn cool.
Matt は僕が知る限り最も愉快なヤツで驚くべき集中力の持ち主だ。Jedi みたいだよ。その上彼にはソングライターっていう自惚れが全くなくて、彼がこれまでやってきたことを考えるとすごくいいヤツだ。


It is said sometimes a songwriter makes a song with the personal experimental idea. Do you think there is a true story in your songs?

I wouldn't say that my songs are autobiographical but they do come from a very honest place. A lot of times I'll draw on past experiences or make observations of the world around me. Just like I don't have to be standing in poo to know that is stinks; I don't have to be tortured to write a painful lyric.

Hope you come to Japan to play one day. We look forward to see you here soon. Let me ask you one more thing. Could we have a message to your Japanese fans? Thank you for taking time for this.

We would love to travel to your beautiful country if the stars line up just right. Thank you so much for the support.

Thanks for talking to us, and thank you all for helping us share Spaceship Days with the world.
話ができて嬉しかったよ。みんな、僕ら Spaceship Days を世界共有のものにすべく支援してくれてありがとう。